Growing up surrounded by imaginative and innovative individuals—my father, a connoisseur of intricate machinery, and my mother, a film major with a talent for capturing life's precious moments—I was exposed to a multitude of hobbies and talents. This environment ignited my interest.
Post-college, my casual foray into photography transformed into an impassioned pursuit, evolving into a deep-seated love for filmmaking. This journey led to the establishment of my digital media production company, Maku Cinematic Productions, which, despite starting as a part-time endeavor, steadily grew in significance.
Although faced with challenges, including a secure yet unfulfilling project manager role, a pivotal moment arrived with the birth of my second child. Motivated to align our lives with our passions, my wife and I took a leap of faith, birthing The Media Kraken—a venture named after our son's favorite animal.
Today, I am dedicated to helping you materialize your creative visions. Whether it's videography, photography, or graphic design, I am poised and enthusiastic to assist. Join me, and let's unleash the creative kraken together!